Child Care Food Program
As a licensed child care provider and professional, you are most likely continually seeking ways to improve the care you offer while keeping your rates reasonable and competitive. You should know about the program that will reimburse you for providing nutritious meals and snacks to day care children in your home: the Child Care Food Program. Registered and licensed day care homes are eligible for the Child Care Food Program.
We are proud to be a center sponsor. You can be a for-profit or a not for-profit center with an enrollment of 25% or more free or reduced children in care or a licensed Title XX Center.
The USDA's Child Care Food Program is part of the National School Lunch Act, which benefits all school age children. These same benefits are available to the children in your licensed or registered day care home through this program.
Why Should I Participate?
- Be able to continue serving nutritious meals and snacks despite rising food costs
- Increase your earnings
- Receive individual help with menu planning and record-keeping
- Access to Child Care Resources and Referral Services
- Receive nutrition training and newsletters
- Be given nutrition training packets for yourself
How Does the Program Work?
You must serve USDA approved meals and snacks and in turn you will receive money to reimburse you for much of your cost. USDA approved meals consist of wholesome, nutritious foods. You are probably already serving them in your home. Training and handouts will help you learn specific information and develop menus.
You need to keep records for us, but the program is not a lot of extra work. The first month may require extra time to do the record keeping and planning while you learn the system. We supply the menu and record keeping forms; a few minutes are all that is needed each day.
USDA Reimbursement Rates for the Child Care Food Program
The Tier I rate is determined by the location of the home, the census data of the area, the income of the day care provider, or the income of the parent. To qualify for Tier 1, you must meet the following requirements:
- The day care home has to be in an elementary school district where 50% or more of the children are served free/reduced meals.
- The day care home has to be in an area that is determined by census data to be “low-income”
- The day care provider or parent income must be at or below 185% of the Federal income poverty guidelines
If you do not meet any of the above requirements, you would be reimbursed at the Tier II rate.
Tier I: Breakfast - $1.39 / Lunch & Supper - $2.61 / Supplement - $0.78
Tier II: Breakfast - $0.50 / Lunch & Supper - $1.58 / Supplement - $0.21
*These rates effective July 1, 2020. Rates are subject to change.
You will be reimbursed $35-$60 each month for each child you care for full-time. This is based on two meals and one snack per child.
How Do the Children Benefit?
- Continue to receive nutritious meals and snacks
- Develop good eating habits
- Develop strong bodies, good teeth and alert minds
- Learn about nutrition
- Be able to participate in nutrition activities
Childcare Centers Served
Free Meals Provided
Reduced Price Meals Provided
How Do I Join?
If you would like to know more about the USDA Child Care Food Program, please contact Beverly Vaughn at 479-785-2303 ext. 212 or e-mail [email protected] to set up an appointment with you in your home at your convenience.