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Li-HEAP Winter Regular Assistance Program will begin Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The regular utility assistance will begin taking applications at 8 am on Tuesday, January 21st for residents of Crawford and Sebastian counties who need assistance with their heating bills.   Apply in person at 1617 S. Zero ( doors open at 8 am), or call 479-785-2303 ext 100.   Clients are urged to make an appointment in person at 1617 S. Zero, Fort Smith, AR.  Due to the high volume of calls messages are not returned.

Applicants must furnish a gas and electric bill (unless you are total electric), proof of monthly income for all household members 18 years old and over, Social Security numbers for all household members, and date of birth on all household members.

Eligibility for winter utility assistance must meet the guideline show below:

Household Size                              Monthly Income (not to exceed)

_______________                 ________________________

1 person                                         $ 1,696.00

2 persons                                       $ 2,218.00

3 persons                                       $ 2,740.00

4 persons                                       $ 3,261.00

5 persons                                        $ 3,783.00

6 persons                                         $ 4,305.00

7 persons                                         $ 4,403.00

8 persons                                         $ 4,501.00