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Winter Li-HEAP Extended

May 14, 2021   Contact Person: Carol Jenkins  479-785-2303 ext. 112


Marc Baker, Executive Director of Crawford-Sebastian Community Development Council, Inc. announced today that funds will be available to assist approximately 63 residents of Crawford and Sebastian counties with their past-due heating bills beginning Monday, May 17, 2021.  If you are a resident of Crawford or Sebastian Counties, meet the income guidelines AND have not received help this past winter, you may apply for assistance.  You must supply both utility bills, unless you are total electric.

Eligibility for summer utility assistance is determined by the amount of income a family receives.  To be eligible, the following income guidelines apply:

     Household Size                  Monthly Income

     1 person                         $ 1,805.00

     2 persons                        $ 2,360.00

     3 persons                       $ 2,915.00

     4 persons                       $ 3,471.00

     5 persons                       $ 4,026.00

     6 persons                       $ 4,581.00

     7 persons                        $ 4,955.00

     8 persons                       $ 5,515.00

For each additional family member above 8 persons, add $560.00.  These income amounts are slightly higher than last year, which allows more families to receive benefits.

Applicants must furnish a current past-due utility heating bill. Applicants must furnish both utility bills, unless you are total electric, social security numbers for all household members, proof of identification and proof of income for the month of April 2021.  Income documentation will be proof of unemployment or no unemployment, social security or SSI award letter, child support or proof of no child support and ALL check stubs for the month of April 2021.  A phone number MUST be on the application.  ONLY complete applications and documentation will be accepted. 

Application packets will be available for pick-up at 1617 S. Zero Fort Smith, AR on May 17, 2020 after 8:00 a.m.  Only one application per person and the doors will be locked after the first 80 have picked up an application. 

Please complete the application, supply ALL the documentation listed above, and drop of at 1617 S. Zero in the drop box, or you may fax it to 479-709-9078.  If the application is not completely filled out, signed and documentation included, the application will NOT be accepted.  If your past due is more than $500.00 you will required to make an 18 month (COVID) DPA with the utility company and proved proof of the DPA within TWO (2) days of being contacted by the worker.  Since the funding is so small, there will NOT be any applications e-mailed or accepted by e-mail.